Top Game-Changer Characteristics: Boss V/S Leaders
When you think about great leaders — today and throughout history — in industry, politics, sports, culture, entertainment or the arts, there are many behaviors and talents that appear to make them stick remarkably. picture credit @freepik Truly successful leaders should not only encourage and control, they inspire and push. The most critical task of the leader is to promote confidence (not fear), to win support and supporters, and then to build more leaders. Great leaders can not be born this way, but they may build and refine attitudes that reflect the finest and respond to progress over time. The encouraging news is that bosses can become leaders, and doing so will be a focus for those who wish to be successful in the work environment. Are you still a boss or a leader? Intelivate simplifies the conflict between the leader and the boss in twelve qualities that describe the essential features of the leader. 1. Leaders Focus on Creative Options – Not Fast Fixing. The boss is ...