Top Game-Changer Characteristics: Boss V/S Leaders

When you think about great leaders — today and throughout history — in industry, politics, sports, culture, entertainment or the arts, there are many behaviors and talents that appear to make them stick remarkably.

Difference between Boss and Leaders
picture credit @freepik

Truly successful leaders should not only encourage and control, they inspire and push. The most critical task of the leader is to promote confidence (not fear), to win support and supporters, and then to build more leaders.

Great leaders can not be born this way, but they may build and refine attitudes that reflect the finest and respond to progress over time.

The encouraging news is that bosses can become leaders, and doing so will be a focus for those who wish to be successful in the work environment.  

Are you still a boss or a leader? Intelivate simplifies the conflict between the leader and the boss in twelve qualities that describe the essential features of the leader.

1. Leaders Focus on Creative Options – Not Fast Fixing.

The boss is trying to show you what to do. The leader is supposed to teach you how and why to do it. Focus on why one of the most important aspects of leadership is that it makes learning flexible and accessible to other contexts. Sustainable learning and self-reliance are a significant barrier to ineffective leadership and multi-management.

Mindset of Boss and Leaders
picture credit @freepik

2. Leaders Have a High Moral Threshold.

The boss is subject-based expertise. The leader is an intellectual and emotional specialist.

Good leaders are very sensitive, but not angry, that is why they have excellent techniques for

dispute management in teams.

There is a difference here. Sensitive is how you are in tune with your emotions. Emotion is your

response to certain views or circumstances. Although we can't control our emotions, we can

definitely control our responses to those emotions that are our interpersonal appearance.

3. Leaders Want You to Feel Accomplished.

Bosses expect you to do better for their results. The leader needs you to feel optimistic even

though you have struggled.

One of the amazing qualities of a leader is to merge individual achievement with the

achievement of the organization.

Leaders support team
picture credit @freepik

When these people will not achieve, the leaders have lost both in their minds – and in their

souls. But still, they have the courage to recover from failures.

4. Leaders lead Self-Accountability.

The boss is keeping you accountable. The leader builds faith and motivation from within you to

create self-accountability.

It is an exciting cycle to watch and encourage positive development all around. It is one of the

many gaps between leadership and management.

5. Leader Tests Performance differently than Boss.

Bosses assess their performance by a role of rank or hierarchy in the company. The leader –

particularly the born leader – influences anywhere and everywhere. Leaders classify their

performance by their passion and the impact of the individuals they influence. That's why I

agree that great leaders are born.

6. Bosses greatly depend on the Authority. Leaders are dependent on


Some of the main signalization of the boss v/s the leader is the dependency on an authority.

The boss relies on positional control to make an impression. Leadership influence does not

depend on power or position.

7. Leaders Depend on the Right.

The boss reflects on what's going on right now – setting out the regular sparks. The leader

remains focused on doing what's right.

Out of all the qualities of a leader, the potential to drive your actions beyond uncertainty at this

moment is the difference between success and defeat.

8. Leaders are governed through their legacies. Bosses are governed

by their competition.

Have you ever met an Olympian swimmer? The swimmer on either side is not their priority.

Their emphasis remains on what they need to do to nail their name – to win the gold.

Team target
picture credit @freepik

9. Leaders are inspired by zeal and mission. The bosses are driven by 


Bosses – and poor bosses – are influenced by uncertainty and reactions. Leaders remain

motivated by ambition and intent – even in difficult periods of market change and growth.

 10. Leaders Make You More Prosperous Than You Are. The boss

always wants to be the boss.

This is the Major definer of the boss v/s the leader. The boss always wanted to act like a boss.

A leader, like a parent, encourages you to do better. A leader will proudly build you to the 'Boss'

and develop a career development strategy to make it happen.

11. Leaders Get Hope From Many victories.

The boss is happy to be remembered for doing a fantastic job. Leaders get the privilege of

seeing people rewarded with the positive effects of their passion.

Consider living in a world where everyone has the same pleasure of happiness as a leader. It's


 12. Leaders Build your faith. The bosses are creating anxiety.

Bosses leave you confused, even in doubt, just enough to tell them what they want to know. At

least, the boss's expectation is that you don't mention anything they don't want to hear. That's

why bosses don't need a plan to handle disputes – they just want others to agree with them.

Leaders build your faith and confidence so that they can tell them what they really want to know.

They know that leadership and loyalty are required to be influential.

Happy work environment
picture credit @freepik

This may not be enjoyable, but to have a complete perspective – the good and the bad – and to

be honest is one of the qualities of a leader that cultivates constant development, satisfaction,

and achievement.

Final Thoughts

Understanding to be a leader is a constant trip. Like the ordinary boss, the leader is capable of

being caring, cooperative, optimistic, and hard-working for the benefit of the team.

If you're new to your job world or a seasoned manager, these leadership qualities should help

you get going so that you can succeed as a leader and have a positive influence on the people

around you.

For more inspiration and guidance, you can even start keeping tabs on some of the world’s top

leadership experts. With an adventurous and positive attitude, anyone can learn good



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